While it is impossible to be unfamiliar with the vampire within our culture; the place I pulled most of my knowledge of how the vampire should be from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Not that I had much of a standard from that; I had seen the movie about two years ago and I remember that it was fairly fantastic. Had you asked me to recall much from the movie it wouldn’t be much, but having read Interview with the Vampire I feel that there is the are similarities: from the time period of the stories and the fanciness of the vampires. I will need to re-watch that.
But about Interview with the Vampire, I enjoyed it. At times I felt it to be very slow at some points but equally forced me to read on. When Louis and Claudia went to Europe was a very exciting portion. When they finally reached a village where they saw evidence of other vampires only to be let down time and time again by lowly creatures that were only hollow shells of what Louis and the others were.
I remember knowing time and time again that Lestat had not been killed, as Louis said he assumed Lestat was dead, but didn’t know for certain, this foreshadowed it. It certainly didn’t surprise me when he showed up in Paris.
Well, the characters were developed quite well. All being unique and dependent on each other in some part, whether or not they liked it.
What I did notice, and what was mentioned in class: was the sexual neutrality that flows within the story. While I could regurgitate what was said in class, I put off writing this for to long. What I noticed as far as the vampires sexual life was the master slave relationships they had or described. Lestat being on top, and Louis in the only other spot left; but the vampire would seem to lack most sexual desire, replacing them with blood sucking. That is not to say it’s still a curious notion to some of them, especially if the died at the age of five and never experienced sexual interaction of any sort. Claudia asked Louis once on the matter when they were in Paris, mentally she was well along in her adult life, naturally she would want to know but she can’t find out for herself.
Love triangles, Louis is the damsel in distress, the other two points are divided at times between Lestat, Claudia, and what’s his name the leader of the vampires in Paris. Immortality is complicated I guess.